Virechana is a therapeutic procedure within the Panchakarma system of Ayurveda. It involves the process of therapeutic purgation or controlled elimination of toxins from the body through the use of herbal purgatives.

During Virechana, specific herbal preparations are administered orally to induce a purgative effect. These herbs have a cleansing and purifying action on the digestive tract and help eliminate excess Pitta dosha, toxins, and metabolic waste from the body.

The Virechana procedure typically begins with a preparatory phase, which involves the consumption of medicated ghee or oils for a few days. This helps to lubricate the intestinal tract and prepare it for the purgation process. Then, the person is given the herbal purgatives, which stimulate bowel movements and eliminate toxins.

The intensity and duration of the purgation process may vary depending on the individual's constitution, health condition, and the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner. Throughout the procedure, the person is closely monitored to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Virechana is primarily recommended for individuals with excess Pitta dosha, digestive disorders, skin conditions, liver disorders, hormonal imbalances, and certain inflammatory conditions. It helps to detoxify the body, balance the doshas, improve digestion, enhance liver function, and promote overall well-being.

After the Virechana procedure, a post-procedure phase is followed to support the body's recovery and rejuvenation. This typically involves a specific diet, lifestyle recommendations, and herbal formulations to restore balance and optimize the healing process.

In Sri Venkateswara Ayurvedic Hospital Virechana should be performed under the guidance and supervision of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. They will assess your health condition, dosha imbalance, and determine the appropriate herbs and dosage for your specific needs. This ensures that the procedure is safe, effective, and tailored to your individual requirements.

Sri Venkateswara Ayurvedic Hospital